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Angel Voices
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Angel Voices

Reference -10663 CT
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30.00 €
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80 cards (size 6.6 x 12 cm)

Instructions for divination 5 languages (English, Italian, Spanish, French, German) 

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The deck consists of 80 cards: 72 cards with Arabic numerals which indicate the Guardian Angels, divided into nine ranks of eight angels each; 7 cards which indicate the Archangels. And finally one unnumbered card which represents the great celestial palace with all of its floors.

The 9 ranks are differentiated by the color of the sky in the background, whereas the 72 angels, each connected to a planet, can be identified by both the color of their robes as well as by the instruments, flowers and gems which accompany them. Each of them in fact governs a particular aspect of life (love, health, success ...) which gives the card its divinatory meaning, and exerts its power for a period of five days during the year. With the help of the seven planetary Archangels, their Lords, they act as advisers and guides which may be called upon, prayed to, envisioned  and, according to disposition and personal tendencies, they accompany us in realizing the blueprint mapped out for us by the heaven so that everything which happens on earth is always in accordance with the divine plans.

Each card is structured as followed:
- number and the name of the Angel
- planetary correspondence: the planet which governs the corresponding rank and the  individual planet of the Angel or the Archangel
- divinatory meaning: events, situations, qualities, roles and people connected with the symbolism of the card. Among these, positive meanings, happy occurences or good qualities may appear as well as defects to be eliminated and events which must be controlled.

angels cards, lithotherapy, feng shui, e-shopping
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