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Tarot of the Angels
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Tarot of the Angels

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30.00 €
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A 78 cards deck from Giordano Berti & Arturo Picca (size 7 x 12 cm)

Notice in 5 languages (English, Italian, Spanish, French, German)

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Messengers of the Divine World, angels are helping us overcome problems with reason and love.

In Ancient Greece, the term "Angels" essentially meant "messenger". Then the translators of the Bible used it with the meaning of the Hebrew word Malakhim, which has the same meaning but refers in the Holy book, to the spiritual entities sent to men by the Almighty. In the Biblical sense, angels are messengers that the Lord sends to communicate his will, and naturally they are also the guides and keepers of the human beings who are faithful to the laws of Truth and Justice.

These cards are also messengers of good council; in fact they are born precisely for this purpose. In a world that is increasingly alienated by the struggle for power, by a love of money, by a yearning for fame, the Angel Tarot can be guides almost like a spark of light during dark times and to find a way amidst confusion.

The meanings suggested, inspired by the Proverbs of King Solomon and by the Book of Ben Sira, are the summary of a much vaster knowledge that anyone, if they so desire, can easily analyse in detail.

angels cards, lithotherapy, feng shui, e-shopping
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