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i9 bottle: Informed water - pink
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i9 bottle: Informed water - pink

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Informed water - seven chakras

650 ml glass bottle made in Europe.


  • i9BOTTLE ENHANCES YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE by giving you structured & vitalized water and by keeping your energy level high. i9bottle enables water structure to be changed into its purest form. It becomes softer, a memory of fresh mountain spring. It helps you feel alive.
  • WATER FROM i9BOTTLE CONTRIBUTES TO BETTER HYDRATION and supports our body's ability to rejuvenate to become healthier and functions towards optimal manner. It's a must have sport water bottle for the Gym, Yoga, Pilates, Athletes, Sport activities, Travel, Office, School...
  • POWERFUL ENERGY TAG on the i9 bottle has been awarded with more than 90 international accolades for its innovative approach in the field of health and wellbeing by adding harmony and balance to the quality of life.
  • MAINTAIN YOUR LEVEL OF HEALTH with informed bottle in chakra colors. i9 bottle with its informed water is also widely used by various therapists, e.g. naturopaths, bioenergetics, homeopaths and in many welness centres. If you are looking for the bottle that is healthy, non toxic and offers vitalized water that your body will appreciate, i9bottle is the right choice!
  • i9BOTTLE IS MADE OF GLASS and it's a natural alternative to plastic bottles. We designed the i9 informed water bottle to look and function better than any other water bottle! Be hydrated, conscious, and ready to take the world with i9bottle.




Our health and ageing are directly linked to the quality of the water content in our bodies. The secret of life lies in proper cell nourishment, and the ability of cells to dispose of waste and toxins. Did you know that drinking water, even when purified, retains information of its contaminants?


Because our body needs structured water, we designed i9 informed water bottle to influence on water to reinstate its natural properties by adding energy potential (producing structured water) and cleansing information retained by contaminants. i9bottle protects your water from negative vibrations all the time.


i9 products use the most advanced technology which has been proven to positively influence the molecular structure of water. Positive influence upon water has been confirmed by cytogenetic tests, Dark Field blood tests and certified by Berlin Institute of Electrophotonics. Technology Poznik (TP) is backed by 40 years of research and was developed by a team of world class inventors, who received over 90 international awards and recognitions for their exceptional achievements and inventions.


Silicon rubber bands are available in fashionable chakra colors and offer you full advantage of chromotherapy - natural healing power, and helps to keep disease and infections at bay.


i9BOTTLE. It's time to start feeding, not filling your body.


Technical Description:






Product Dimensions

8.5 x 8.5 x 26 cm


624 Grams





Q: What is informed water?

A: It is water encoded with several thousands of carefully selected sets of information (positive vibrations) all supporting one another and working in complete harmony.


Q: How can informed water be better than regular water?

A: Modern water treatment, distribution systems and pollution cause water to become de-structured (dead), thus losing its natural vitality, self-cleansing and antibacterial properties. De-structured water molecules accumulate in larger clusters, making it difficult to be absorbed by living organisms. This in turn forces the body to use its own energy reserves in order to re-structure these enlarged molecule clusters into a form suitable for absorption and all bodily functions. The process of informing helps to return the water’s structure back to its natural (living) state.


Q: How does informed water influence the body?

A: Through stress, poor nutrition and pollution (amongst many factors) the water in our bodies becomes de-structured (loses its vitality and self-cleansing and antibacterial properties). This means the body’s immune system must repair such damage by using its own energy reserves. This often leaves us tired and prone to illness. The process of informing helps to return the water’s structure back to its natural (living) state. Drinking informed water helps our bodies renew their energy reserves, thus making us feel revitalized and more energetic.


Q: What kind of water can I put in the bottle?

A: Simply add normal drinking water from the tap or bottled water.


Q: Can I put other liquids in the bottle and what effect will it have on them?

A: Yes, other liquids can also be put in the bottle. Adding other liquids simply means the water content in any such liquids will become informed. The taste of beverages with such as fizzy beverages, coffee, tea etc., may change. i9bottle is ideal for smoothies and keeps it fresh longer.


Q: How long should the water be in the bottle to become informed?

A: The process of informing takes place instantly, while extensive testing shows minor beneficial increases continuing for some 3 hours.


Q: How long will the i9 informed bottle influence the quality of water it contains?

A: The i9 informed water bottle informing process has no limitations and with lifetime informing process.


Q: Will an informed bottle improve my physical and mental performance?

A: Informed (structured) water helps the body regain its natural balance with nature, thus helping to improve physical and mental abilities.


Q: How long can I keep water in the i9 bottle before it becomes undrinkable?

A: No standing water is good for long, hence we recommend regular refills. Rinse the bottle with running water whenever refilling.


Q: Sometimes when pouring water in to an i9 bottle I see bubbles appearing at the side of the glass. Why is this?

A: This is a natural occurrence when oxygen is present in the water. Pouring water in to an i9 informed water bottle may increase the oxygen content, thus increasing the presence of bubbles. Like any bubbles, the air rises to the top of the water and goes into the air.


Q: Sometimes when pouring water from the tap I notice that the water is cloudy. Why is this?

A: The cloudiness is often caused by water in the pipes being under a bit more pressure than the water in the glass, but is more likely due to tiny air bubbles in the water. This occurrence is perfectly normal and any cloudiness should clear up after a few seconds.


Q: What happens to the water if I pour it into a normal glass or bottle?

A: Once water is informed it will keep its natural molecular structure. Extensive testing demonstrates water kept in an i9 bottle continues to experience minor beneficial increases for some 3 hours. Putting water in a plastic or aluminum bottle may cause it to lose its natural molecular structure faster.


Q: What happens if the bottle is exposed to magnetism, electrical currents, mobile phone radiation and the like?

A: According to our tests, these disturbances have no effect on the coding, which neutralizes all negative influences by constantly interacting with the contents of the bottle. Even being scanned by a red laser at the check-out counter of a store does not damage the quality of the water. The encoding neutralizes the negative impact of the laser, which would inhibit the energetic value of water and food in regular containers.


Q: Is there any other material that would be more energy-potent than the informed tag, affecting its function?

A: To date we have not found a source more energy-potent that would have a negative effect on the coding of the informed tag.


Q: Can a bottle be stored in a dark place?

A: Based on our experiments, the water retains its enhanced qualities even when stored in darkness, for example, in a refrigerator.


Q: Will it remove heavy metals? Does changing the structure of the water affect the "disintegration" of molecules in heavy metals?

A: With metals dissolved in water there are no molecules, but rather ions, largely positively-charged cations, which are stable, so we cannot talk about their disintegration. Heavy metals, therefore, are not removed.


Q: How it Works?

A: The i9 Bottle positively affects our body by way of chromotherapy and TP technology, which is the heart of the bottle. Chromotherapy works through various spectrums of light, with the objective of healing our body as a whole, wherein every color touches on the physical, cognitive, emotional or spiritual part of who we are. TP technology uses a microcosmic energy symbol - the spring of information - to positively affect the water, in terms of its structure and information properties, and our body, as a result.

The energy symbol derives from a "magic life" protective form, and is enhanced by a precise selection of information (vibrations) in the form of information codes. Moreover, an orgone emitters in a Poznik lab inscribes the energy symbol, in addition to information, with a frequency for stabilization, activation and information transfer by way of emit information. Bottled water subsequently contains all the qualities equal to those found in the healthiest living water, fortified with the additional information in support of an active and healthy life. The bands on the bottle, that come in different chakra colors, further allow the consumer to use their potential to the fullest. This harmonized bottle can be used by everyone who is proactive about improving and maintaining their level of health and well-being. Thanks to this innovative approach, we are able to fine-tune and balance all the beneficial vibrations needed by our body, in any given moment.


Q: What is Poznik TP (Technology Poznik)?

A: Poznik TP is a combination of several scientific processes, capable of influencing the networks of joined up molecules in various matter (water, glass, plastic, metal etc.) by means of information or code.


Q: What is an informed tag?

A: An informed tag is a microcosmic energy chip, capable of carrying thousands of sets of carefully encoded information.


Q: Is there any scientific proof that i9 informed products really work?

A: i9 products and information encoding principles have been subjected to numerous tests by recognized international scientists who employed credible testing methods demonstrating the concept really works. Furthermore, the technology behind i9® informed products is backed by 40 years of extensive research & innovation and has been globally awarded with more than 90 international accolades for its innovative approach in the field of health and wellbeing by adding harmony and balance to the quality of life.


Q: Were the influences of informed water on health ever analyzed?

A: A comparative analysis of the energy state of water in a regular bottle and an i9 bottle was carried out by the Berlin Institute of Electrophotonics, which also issued a certificate for the i9 bottle. Photon emission in the i9 bottle was 6-7% higher than in a regular bottle, which means higher energy in the i9 water. A detailed analysis was conducted on how drinking regular vs. informed water affects the human bio-field. The results demonstrate nearly 100% better results when drinking i9 water.


Allium tests - Firbas Laboratory

While the allium test results are not only unambiguous, as far as water quality goes, they also clearly exhibit the effects of pollution, which isn’t the case with chemical tests. The water genotoxicity in the i9 informed water bottle was proven to be considerably reduced.


Blood test analyse Laboratory

Dark Field tests allows to evaluate the shapes and other properties of individual blood cells and shows how the blood behaves in the body, giving a clear picture of health at a cellular level. The advantage of this analysis is the ability to detect disorders sooner, while the problem is in the initial stages. The consumption of i9 informed water offers incredible health changes on blood cells. Cells are arranged and offer good blood flow and supply of the smallest capillaries with the necessary energy.


Q: What information is stored on the informed tag?

A: The informed tag is produced at the Poznik laboratory, and is informed in compliance with Technology Poznik. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of information are transferred in the informing process. The information, a sum of universal and some purpose-built pieces of information, cleanses water of the negative influences from the surroundings, while also removing negative effects from all the remaining pharmaceutical compounds in the water.


Q: How to clean a i9 bottle?

A: For best results clean the inside of the i9 bottle with diluted white (alcohol) vinegar. Rinse bottle well with clean water. Outer surface of the i9 bottle clean only with water, ensuring never to put pressure directly on the tag. Do not clean using liquids containing alcohol or other abrasive solvents, which could damage or detach the tag from the bottle.




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Informed water - seven chakras

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